Wednesday, February 6, 2008

movin' on up

There are two floors of NICU at Northside Hospital. Floor 2 is where the critical care babies stay, and Floor 7 houses those babies who are more stable. The twins have been living on the 2nd floor since they were born, but because of their progress during the last couple of weeks, they graduated to "stable baby" status, and were moved to the 7th floor early Monday morning. We were so proud to see them enjoying each other and their new de-luxe apartment in the sky!


Rachael M. said...

I can't believe how plush and swank the babies' new digs are. I'm thinking about moving in. I liked the view while I was there. Do you think they'll mind a new roommate?


Hope to see you again SOOOOON!

Anonymous said...

Kerrie, Gena sent me your site and I just spent my morning reading and listening to the journey your family is making. I want you to know that this journey will be inspirational not only to you and your family but to so many others as well. My prayers will have all of you added to them; my memories of you and my daughter have been relived today full of smiles and gratitude. Keep fighting.
Linda Goldstein

Anonymous said...

Hooray for the babies!!! One step closer to comin' home to mama and papa.

Anonymous said...

They are great pics!! The twins look so happy to be back together!! YAY!!!!! Love Carissa, Gael and Jakey

Anonymous said...

thinking of you all. if a cheese sandwich would help, i'd bring it over in a heartbeat.