I hope your day was as good as mine.
Some double tire swing action.
Party on the playground!!
Actually it's a party wherever this kid goes.
I'll have what he's having.
Beanie's "I'm too cool" look.
But daddy can get her to smile for the camera!
El riding First Class with grandpa.
Owie gets Coach. Just kidding, Daddy.
Driving back from the playground.
Shootin' the breeze with PaPa.
Take One.
Take Two.
Take Three.
Take Four.
Take 'em all inside for a nap. (Mommy included.)
It sounds like your day was just lovely. I am so glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day!
Much love to you and your family. Hugs!
Look at you, all cute and stuff with your two big kids and banana-sized baby :-D
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