Monday, July 13, 2009

project eliot eats!

Last week was one of the best we have had with Eliot in 18 months. Her reflux stopped - literally stopped - last Sunday, and she has been symptom-free for the past seven days. (Cross your fingers that this continues . . . )

I always minimized acid reflux, but oh my god . . . it has run her life since she was born.

In the last few days, Eliot has not only started taking steps independently, she has also started eating. Wait. Whhhaaaaattt!!! She has started EATING???!

Yep, and it is perfect timing! Her first day at the Marcus Center's Intensive Feeding Disorders Clinic was today, and she was awesome. She is starting her 8-week program with an interest in food - a wonderful place to start! She ate five carrot chunks, three green beans, and twenty-two veggie sticks. Who is this child, and where is my Elie? I about fell out of my chair when she swallowed.

Here she is on her first day . . . Project Eliot Eats is underway!

She looks . . .

She opens . . .

She eats . . .


Anonymous said...

Hooray! Get that girl a popsicle, some spaghetti, chocolate cake, or something MESSY!!!
Love, Suz

Amanda Fielder said...

Whooooooohoooooooooo! Go Elie!

Julianne said...

FINALLY she is starting to take after her Aunt JuJu! :)

Rachael Muldrow said...

That girl knows what's up!

I knew she'd need that pea plate :-)

paigehightower said...

i would soooo do a cartwheel if i wouldn't break my neck in the process!!

Anonymous said...

Love Carissa

Viking said...

What an amazing leap forward! So exciting!!