It is important for Eliot to put all kinds of things in her mouth to continue to stimulate her tongue, cheeks, and palate. We work with her constantly throughout the day with different toys and textures, so that when her acid reflux subsides, and she begins to enjoy the cup and solid food, she has the oral-motor capability to progress quickly.
This is how I found Elie Mak this morning. It is not exactly what Mike and I had in mind when we encouraged her to explore with her mouth.
That thing she is biting down on? That's her g-tube. Niiiiccce.
Ha ha!
Elie says, "But you are always giving me stuff to chew on...this was nice and convenient!"
look- you can't have it both ways... either she's orally exploring or she isn't. you're so picky! sheesh!
love, suz
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